Publications of the research group in paediatric
ophthalmology during the last five years
G Holmström, B Borgström, B.Calissendorff. Cataract development in
bone marrow transplanted children conditioned with Busulphan and total
body irradiation, respectively. Acta Ophtalmol Scand 2002;80:211-215.
E Larsson, Carle-Petrelius, Cernerud G, Ots L, Wallin A, G Holmström.
Incidence of ROP in two consecutive population-based studies. Br J
Ophthalmology; 2002;86:1122-26.
E Larsson, G Holmström. Screening for ROP – evaluation and
modification of guidelines. Br J Ophthalmology 2002;86:1399-1402.
B. Jönelid, G Anneren, G Holmström. Children and adolescents with
Down syndrome. Continous ophthalmological monitoring crucial!
Läkartidningen 2002;10;99(1-2):29-32.
G Holmström, B Bergendahl, A Hallen, S Marcus, N Dahl. Incontinentia
pigmenti – a rare disease with many symptoms. Läkartidningen Nr 12,
G Holmström. Ophthalmic screening and follow-up of prematurely born
children. Comprehensive Ophthalmology Update. 2002;3:229-36.
E Larsson, A Rydberg, G Holmström. A population-based study of the
refractive outcome in 10-year-old preterm and full-term children. Arch
Ophthalmol, 2003;121:1430-1436.
Hellström, E Engström, A-L Hård, K Albertsson-Wikland, B Carlsson, A
Niklasson, C Löfqvist,E Svensson, S Holm, U Ewald, G Holmström, L Smith.
Postnatal serum insulin-like growth factor I deficiency is associated
with retinopathy of prematurity and other complications of premature
birth. Pediatrics 2003,Vol.112 No. 5, 1016-1020.
E Larsson, L Martin, G Holmström. Peripheral and central visual
fields in 11 year old children who had been born prematurely and at
term. Pediatric Ophthalmol Strab, 2004;41:39-45.
U Eriksson, E Larsson, G Holmström. Optical coherence tomography in
the diagnosis of juvenile x-linked retinoschisis. Acta Ophthalmol
Larsson EK, Rydberg AC, Holmstrom GE. A population-based study on the
visual outcome in 10-year-old preterm and full-term children. Arch
Ophthalmol 2005;123:825-32.
An International Commitee for the Classification of Retinopathy of
Prematurity. The International Classification of retinopathy of
prematurity Revisited. Arch Ophthalmol 2005;123:991-999.
Holmstrom GE, Larsson EK. Development of spherical equivalent
refraction in prematurely born children during the first 10 years of
life: a population-based study. Arch Ophthalmol 2005;123:1404-11.
Larsson E, Rydberg A, Holmstrom G. Contrast sensitivity in 10 year
old preterm and full term children: a population-based study. Br J
Ophthalmol 2006;90:87-90.
Holmström G. Horner’s syndrome: an atypical presentation in a child
with neurofibromatosis type 2. Eye 2006 Dec;20(12):1472-4.
Löfqvist C, Engström E, Sigurdsson J, Hård AL, Niklasson A, Ewald U,
Holmström G, Smith L, Hellström A. Postnatal head growth deficit among
premature infants parallels retinopathy of prematurity and insulin-like
growth factor-1 deficit. Pediatrics 2006;117:1930-8.
Larsson EK, Holmström GE. Development of astigmatism and
anisometropia in preterm children during the first 10 years of life.
Arch Ophthalmol. 2006 Nov;124(11):1608-14.
Holmström G, Rydberg A, Larsson E. Strabismus and its development in
10-year-old prematurely-born children – a population-based study.J
Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2006 Nov-Dec;43(6):346-52.
Caines E, Dahl M, Holmström G. Long-term Oculomotor and Visual
Function in Spina Bifida Cystica - A Population Based Study. Acta
Ophthalmologica Scand, in press.
K Hellgren, A Hellström, L Jacobson, Olof Flodmark, Marie Wadsby, L
Martin. Visual and cerebral sequels of VLBW in adolescents. Archives of
Disease in Childhood, in press. |