Department of Surgical sciences/Ophthalmology, Akademiska sjukhuset, SE-751 85 Uppsala
Tel: +46 18 611 5135, Email

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Gullstrand lab
Research projects
Forskningsstöd, AS

Revised 24-01-08

The research in the ophthalmology unit spans from experimental research in the Gullstrand Lab to clincal projects in the ophthalmology clinic.

All research in ophthalmology must fulfill regulatory requirements before the research project is started.
To get acccess to regulatory requirements and forms for application for approval you need an ID and PW to Ophthalmology at Upnet.
(Go to the Ophthalmology extranet home page, Links)

For detailed information on application for approval and forms, log in to Ophthalmology at Upnet and press press HERE.